137. Songs To Educate Asks: ‘What Kind of Future Are We Educating Children For?’
Co-Founder of Songs To Educate Paul Andrew Zeir speaks about his organization’s new Professional Development Programs, and notes the pressing need to reevaluate the fundamental reasons for education. Paul’s thoughts and ideals challenge the economic motivation behind public education by encouraging a different premise altogether.
Songs To Educate offers professional development of a rare and valuable kind, bringing Arts Integrated Connective Learning into the minds and hearts of early childhood and primary age educators.
The founders of Songs To Educate, Melanie and Paul Zeir have introduced a new branch of their organization, unveiled this past October. This Professional Development methodology aims to inspire teachers to integrate the arts in every aspect of learning.
“The creative arts of human expression are not meant to be compartmentalized subjects but part of an integrative human development. The question comes down to why we educate,” continues Zeir. “Specifically, what kind of future are we educating children for?”
The Professional Development program by Songs To Educate incorporates original concepts pioneered by the founders, such as “The 3D Blackboard” and “Express It To Get It”, whilst immersing teachers in the enhanced media of song and movement arts to include in their teaching tool kits.
Paul Zeir notes “Children everywhere face a future challenging us all to become more fluid and versatile responders.” He continues, “The times we live in demand new models for education that encourage multiple intelligences inside a living mosaic of learning modalities. Children have the uncanny ability to naturalize quickly. The job of educators is not to perpetuate an obsolete industrial paradigm, but to provide true and viable options that resonate with the needs of the future.”
Songs To Educate rises to meet that demand through its Professional Development Training.
Zeir challenges, “Again, it comes down to the question: What kind of future are we educating children for?”
He continues, “There is a wise saying which applies beautifully here: ‘The bicycle trains us how to ride it’. So the “bicycle” we call “the future” is training us how to ride it. How so? What is the evidence for this? Well, here are a sprinkling of examples:
-Instead of a narrow rubric for measuring IQ (Intelligence Quotient), there needs to be an innovation quotient, an emotional intelligence quotient, a creative problem solving quotient, a dynamic models quotient, a curiosity quotient, a social intelligence quotient- in respect to the extraordinary human potential.
-The future is requiring cultural and social dexterity, a love of diversity, natural compassion and a desire to give practical service into big picture ideals and principles.
-The bicycle of the future is training young minds to be fluid translators of grand principles into specific applications. Young human lives need transferable skills across many disciplines including innovative thinking, ethical judgment and integrity, critical thinking, complex problem solving, and dynamic evidence based research abilities.
-It’s about passion first, achievement second; mission and purpose driven careers rather than material advancement as a goal.
-Young lives are not interested in preserving the institutions of the industrial era, but creating new pathways of interaction and integration with each other and the natural worlds. If a “career” doesn’t give service to a better world, then what’s the point?
So once more: What kind of future are we educating children for?”
Professional Development with Songs To Educate is an inspiring process which revitalizes one’s purpose and calling as an educator whilst providing a bright and versatile toolkit, opening the doors to arts integrated education as a way of life.
Songs To Educate invites like-minded teachers to join in creating viable new education pathways now. “The beauty of this methodology is that it is immediately applicable,” concludes Paul Zeir, “It doesn’t require major overhauls or more university training. But what it does require is a shift in thinking and a willingness to approach learning in respect to human natural intelligence and creativity!”
Songs To Educate is looking for teachers and parents who are passionate about the future.
Sign up to participate in this hopeful and vital movement.
The Songs To Educate supplemental arts activities help make curriculum content stick. The programs also help to close the literacy gap through language rich songs, provides daily physical activity and promotes engaged, happy learners. It is user friendly and support is available.
The mission of Songs To Educate is to provide bright tools to integrate connective song and movement arts in learning every day. These thoughtful songs accompany and encourage young lives on the human journey. Yes, each song correlates within curricular requirements, whether social studies, language arts, math or one of the sciences, but always in the context of the fertile wonder: What is possible for human life?
About Song To Educate by Talking Hands Talking Feet:
The founders Paul and Melanie Zeir have been working directly with over 5,000 children since 1997 to inspire and educate through music and movement. This impressive resource for ages birth through twelve years is available online at SongsToEducate.com.