160. Nudged by The Future
There is an arising of highly sensitive, attentive and perceptive parents and teachers who share a common feeling of being moved to catch and respond to newly appearing ways of human education.
Here are some of the symptoms:
You feel something new is possible but don’t know how to get to it.
Existing models and ideology seem absurdly irrelevant and obsolete.
Many of the young lives in one’s care represent the face of the future pressing in with urgent need, in the flesh, with clear eyes and bright minds, hungry for new ways
It seems to require an ongoing spirit of open inquiry, research and experimentation without assumption or conclusion.
It is exhilarating, inspiring, challenging and won’t leave you alone.
It’s about catching the subtle and elusive hints that represent threads of connection, life lines to a whole new universe of perception.
It resists the compulsive brain programming of current technologies. It does, however, know instinctively there are multiple human organic technologies and intelligences that have been dormant until this time, wanting to be switched on.
It takes on human personal and collective problems with a third vector approach.
It incorporates the arts as a method of learning and discovery, not as subjects themselves.
It pushes a versatile range of arts to new thresholds of application and integration.
Mindful, emotional intelligence and inner life language, connectivity and fluidity are required tools.
It doesn’t want to be branded, labeled or turned into something before it’s even gotten a chance to breathe!
It seems to require having one foot in the existing frameworks and one foot tentatively but courageously stepping into the utterly unknown.
Add your own observations here:_____________________________!
The context for this arising does indeed seem to do with a threshold leap in human education and development. It touches all aspects of life. It may even be to do with a much bigger leap!
Whoever you are, and wherever you live and work, stay tuned and allow yourself to be nudged by a future that is not a repetition of the past.