163. Arks of Hope
Arks of Hope
To the influences which greedily grab up and assume possession and entitlement of rights or property or resources for their own profit without respect or regard for the well-being of future generations or the planet that supports us all:
WE do not participate in your greed and possession, but ask – What can we give? What can we do that actually helps those in need? What can we give into the world that lifts up the less privileged? What hopeful legacy will future generations inherit from us? For ‘ours’ is a cup that overflows in profound generosity, love and respect for all life and creation….
To those influences which cut down others because of their skin, their language, their gender, their beliefs, their world view, their circumstance, their application…and then assumes superiority and acts to suppress the perceived threat of difference or the unknown:
WE uphold distinction and variety with value, respect and understanding; and differentiate without fear of difference, knowing there is a higher covenant and character of humanity that originates above common perception – ours to reach for but not to devalue, diminish or degrade by ignorance.
To those influences which seek to control, manipulate or subjugate others through perception, passion, politics or power for ideological, personal or collective gain:
WE do not belong to you or your world, but ever seek to stand with what is true and real and resonant with natural principle in profound value, fealty and respect; in humility, forgiveness and uncommon spiritual courage.
To those influences who claim the will of a higher power, and justify bigotry or false witness or negligence to the pursuit of truth and justice thereby:
WE do not participate in your hypocrisy, but ask and pursue the question Why, with deep trust and value in our God given equipment, higher faculties and natural intelligences. What is the motivation? What do other belief systems or world views say? Could I be wrong, or assumptive or prejudiced in my conclusions?
To those influences that condescend to children, using threat, fear, punishment or stigma, treating them as property and educating them to abide by and perpetuate these same influences:
WE do not participate in your kind of education, but work to create new education pathways that connect to what’s possible for human life in a spirit of mutuality and partnership, upholding the dignity and character of the human spirit. We work to keep clean and clear the future, with safe hands.
To those influences that treat the lands, the waters, and the skies as if it were theirs to exploit and treat the animals with cruelty as if they did not suffer pain and indignation inflicted upon them by human hands:
WE do not participate in your world, but work to build another world right here, in our homes, in our families, in ourselves, in our actions and principles, wherever, whenever and with whoever we can, as safe refuges for all that is sacred…as arks of hope.