20. The Wonder Of Water I
When asking a group of second graders, “What is the most important thing about this amazing stuff called water?”
- One little guy shouted out, “It’s wet!”
- A little girl said, “Water’s in everything.”
- And another girl exclaimed, “Water makes life!”
Wow! What better starters could a teacher ask for? Including the one little boy’s answer – It’s wet!
We tend to take for granted some of the most basic aspects of living on earth like gravity, air and water, the human body, being alive! But some of the most basic things about life are the most awesome. To me, part of the job of being an educator is to defy the trend and tendency of taking for granted by kindling wonder and curiosity at every opportunity. All of life’s an open research!
So – how do we do it? Well, it begins with having wonder and awe and an indefatigable spirit of learning in ourselves!
What is this amazing stuff we call WATER?
How is it that two of the most combustible elements in the universe, Hydrogen and Oxygen, when married together become the basis for all life on our planet?
Every drop of water contains the mystery of life itself! It is for us to immerse ourselves and our students in the pure wonder of water. Get Wet!