41. Begin As Beginners
Here we are, human beings, one of two genders, genetically loaded, born somewhere on Earth into one of the kaleidoscopic expressions of human culture… its language, history, collective psyche, art… and before we know it, we’ve been pre-conditioned by all these influences – including of course, one of the most dominant influences of all – our families.
This is just the way it is. But the most wonderful thing of all is – we, that is you, the you of you, are not any of these things! What we are, what you are – at core, is something else, something wonderful, something to discover!
As a child I remember thinking – all these grown-ups must know what they are doing, what they are here for. They certainly act like they know! They don’t seem to think twice about what they’re doing. I don’t hear them questioning it, or doubting it. So they must really know what they are doing!
So began the journey of childhood contradictions.
Think about the children in your care a moment. Perhaps they feel the same way!
Children want to know what the case is. They actually want to know why we are here. They want to know what to do. They need to engage in the journey of life in a meaningful and purposeful way. Just like me and you! And…just as we did, they look to the grown-ups for leadership, for answers.
It is such a disservice to young human lives to feed them pre-digested, assumed knowledge. They need live knowledge, living connected process and engagement.
So what is the most fundamental attitude to have as an educator to be able to provide real live connected relevant education?
There are no experts here. Welcome to the adventure of a lifetime! The most valuable commodity is our humility in the face of the immensity and mystery of life and Creation. History is littered with the arrogant conclusions of experts gone awry. Begin, oh teachers of humankind, always at the beginning! In the awesome wonder and workings of life and the universe that is our home.
Why would we give anything less?