45. Essential Vitamins
What are some of the essential vitamins for children of the 21st century?
Here are a few primers, starters, food for thought – in response to this question. What are your ideas, contemplations, perceptions on the subject? You are welcome to share them with us…
Educators of every kind have an extraordinary privilege and opportunity to help engender new process learning in the young. It takes genuine courage and humility to face the challenges of our time without falling back on historical education frameworks. Our time calls for a leap in perception and application in virtually every field of human endeavor.
Children now enter a world in which the reliability and stability of long held beliefs and institutions are breaking down. It is a multi-tiered crisis affecting every aspect of living – from ecology to economy to education to science to religion to government to nation-states to health and medicine to……
It is becoming clear that the human center of gravity and focus needs to shift.
The 21st century is NOT about one’s personal material gains and goals as a first principle.
Our times are NOT about the ambitions of one nation, one cultural model or one belief system. The answers to the crises of our time cannot possibly arise from the same frameworks that created the problems in the first place!
The way ahead is NOT found in our history, ancient or contemporary. We have never been here before!
The way ahead is to be found in the natural genius, resourcefulness and intelligence inherent in the very fabric of life and creation itself! It is all right there. It is simply a matter of developing the eyes to see it; it is using new muscles, so to speak; allowing new pathways to be grown and nourished, gradually superimposing obsolete patterns and frameworks. It is seeking relevance in relation to a greater criterion than one’s own.
Our time is about integration and the deep safety and security that comes from that. It’s about integration in oneself and with others; being able to work together with respect to the talents and natural virtuosity of others which can only fortify your own. Therein lies the greater strength and value. Therein lives the hope for our planet, our children and a future that upholds the human spirit as a first principle.
That is one place to start in search of those essential vitamins for educating the children of the 21st century.