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The mission of Talking Hands Talking Feet is to be a versatile resource for parents and teachers worldwide, providing bright tools to integrate connective song and movement arts in learning every day.

The mission is well expressed through the songs themselves.

Talking Hands Talking Feet songs and movement arts connect with children. These thoughtful songs accompany and encourage young lives through a depth, richness and simplicity combined with an irresistible spark of wonder in the lyrics and the nature of the music itself.

Each song is a springboard of discovery into a valuable array of subjects: The rich and diverse human world mosaic, the marvelous human body, healthy living, family life, the wonders of the natural worlds, care for the Earth and reverence for all life, and mathematical expression through natural resonant pattern, number and sequence.

The teaching artistry of Talking Hands Talking Feet brings children of the 21st century into new and sustainable ways of learning that respect and foster the natural intelligences, development and sanctity of human life.


Our practical tenets are:

  • To provide instructors with a practical toolkit: showing how and why specific songs, music, rhythm and coordination work, creative movement and dance, story theater, pattern and sequence choreography, and language arts can be used to help activate an array of natural intelligences in young lives.
  • To provide vital experience that demonstrates the value of the arts as essential to development and education.
  • To create neural pathways and sequences of connective learning through the enhanced media of integrated music, dance and story arts.
  • To encourage and promote individual and ensemble genius.
  • To generate the essence of discovery.
  • To engender genuine belief, trust and confidence in oneself.
  • To engender compassion and flexibility in working together with others.
  • To encourage bold and versatile expression with quality content.
  • To foster value and respect for oneself, one’s body, one’s family and one’s community life.
  • To provide an ecology of safety and encouragement to the inner life of each person in respect and discovery of their natural inclinations.
  • To help develop skill and confidence in communication through natural human theater arts.
  • To generate fun and inspiring process-oriented work that promotes uninhibited creativity and ability to respond.
  • To sponsor multiple learning modalities.
  • To encourage a spirit of gratitude, generosity and service.