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Songs for Mother 1
7 songs for the forever young, encouraging the inner partnership we humans may grow in respect and love for our mother earth.
Songs for Mother 2
7 songs for younger lives to inspire creativity in respect and care for the earth and our relationship to her as humans.
Dragonfly Wings
21 songs for the whole family
This colorful mosaic in song tells a story conveyed in lyrics and melody, touching chords that run deep through all our lives.
Human Body School
20 songs for primary and tweens
Human anatomy, body systems, health and nutrition and self discovery jump out of the textbooks and into life through this content rich ‘body opera’.
Rainbow Train
25 songs for early childhood and family
“All aboard the Rainbow Train!” Come along with us and sing and dance your way through the seven colors of the human rainbow in our celebrated first award winning album.
Heartbeat of the Future
18 songs for primary, ‘tweens & family
A treasure trove of encouraging songs for young lives encompassing a variety of relevant themes with unique perception and sensitivity.
Wild & Free
18 songs for early childhood & primary
Songs woven from the Human Body School, Home Planet Earth, Math-a-magic, Brain and Body Tune-ups and The Human Journey come together in this beautiful tapestry.
Do Re Mi Dragon
21 songs for early childhood, primary & family
“Come inside the music. It’s everywhere you go. Listen while you listen and wonders you will know!” Classic Talking Hands Talking Feet loved by families worldwide.
10 instrumental songs for all ecologies
Music itself is a language of pure feeling and emotion which can touch us where nothing else can reach.
Planet Wonderland
17 songs for early childhood & primary
Come dance and sing with us in celebration of the natural wonders of water, the seasons, trees and animals.
Walking Songs
23 songs for grown ups
Songs of courage, compassion, hope and humanity to accompany the journey home.
We The People
Constitution Day Activity including the song and video for primary
The objective of this workshop is to give new meaning and relevancy to the Constitution of the United States as an inspiring inroad for young people.