124. Future is Prologue!
Catching the way of the future tides rising now begins by being able to let yourself be a beginner again…inside your discipline, profession, vocation, passion, mission! It begins by being able to let go of the tried and true models of yesterday…knowing instinctively, those models are rapidly becoming obsolete! It takes courage and humility and trust in your natural intelligence.
Young human lives represent an irrepressible hope for the future!
When they are inducted into an outdated paradigm for education, they know something’s not right. They instinctively feel it even though they may not have the tools to express it directly.
Some children are able to put it to words:
When asked how third grade was going, one bright and spirited young fella exclaimed, “It’s draining the learning out of me! Please get me outta here!”
Children do know! They feel doors closing inside themselves. When we allow ourselves to truly reflect and evaluate, we also know!
Catching the way of the future in education begins in parents and teachers! It starts with simply, passionately wanting something better, and not being willing to compromise or give up!
It means paying attention to what children say is saying to us! This is not proposing a ‘children led’ model, not exactly. Our job is providing tools, natural reference and enhanced opportunity for young people to become good self starters, self educators! Their faculties and natural genius can take it from there…
It means having an enlightened trust and training in the natural capabilities of our extraordinary human mind, brains, emotions, senses, systems and faculties!
The provocative and compelling book “A Whole New Mind” by Daniel Pink, is an essential for educators of the 21st century. The premise in the book is that right brain hemisphere integration is a prerequisite for the future. Further, the signs of the future are happening all around us…in all kinds of paradigm shaking, encouraging breakthroughs…
“Past Is Prologue,” sayeth Shakespeare. Oy! Children say different! Being the hope and heartbeat of the future, children say, “Hey! Catch the way of the future…The Future Is Prologue!”
The beautiful thing is…it is the most natural next step…once we let go…